Supply Orders for the Month of November-2020

1 04/11/2020 11100130120161 Supply of U/Carriage Set for Tata Hitachi Ex-350 Hyd. Excv. VIEW
2 05/11/2020 21000820820162 Supply of Refrigerators VIEW
3 06/11/2020 12000931620163 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
4 07/11/2020 11100113920164 Supply of Resque Vans VIEW
5 12/11/2020 11100132420165 Supply of Coal Tub Wheel & Axles of Coal Tubs VIEW
6 12/11/2020 21100832420166 Supply of PPE Body Coverall for COVID-19 VIEW
7 12/11/2020 21100832420167 Supply of Alcahol Based Hand Rub/ Hand Sanitizer. VIEW
8 12/11/2020 21100832420168 Supply of Medical Equipments VIEW
9 17/11/2020 21000110120169 Supply of 60T Cap. Dumpers with 1+3 years Guaranteed Spares VIEW
10 17/11/2020 12000110920170 Supply of 60T Cap. Dumpers with 1+3 years Guaranteed Spares VIEW
11 17/11/2020 21000814920171 Supply of Water Cooler VIEW
12 18/11/2020 12000430120172 Supply of spares for BEML BE-300 Hud. Excv. (OPM Cat.items) VIEW
13 19/11/2020 12100530820173 Supply of Mining Timber VIEW
14 23/11/2020 11000110160174 Supply of Frony End Loader with 3M3 Bucket Cap-. & minimum Pay LoaD 3.3 t CAP. VIEW
15 23/11/2020 12000931620175 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
16 28/11/2020 12100530820176 Supply of Mining Timber VIEW
17 28/11/2020 12000931620177 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW