Supply Orders-MAY-2020

Supply Orders for the Month of May-2020

1 02/05/2020 21100820820024 Supply of Scanners VIEW
2 02/05/2020 21100820820025 Supply of Scanners VIEW
3 02/05/2020 21100932420026 Procurement of Medicine VIEW
4 02/05/2020 21100932420027 Procurement of Medicine VIEW
5 02/05/2020 21100932420028 Procurement of Medicine VIEW
6 02/05/2020 21100932420029 Procurement of Medicine VIEW
7 02/05/2020 21100932420030 Procurement of Medicine VIEW
8 02/05/2020 21000932420031 Procurement of Medicine VIEW
9 04/05/2020 11000112320032 Supply of Universal Drill M/c VIEW
10 04/05/2020 21100832420033 Supply of Photocopier Paper VIEW
11 04/05/2020 21000820820034 Supply of Sewing Machines VIEW
12 04/05/2020 21100818520035 Supply of Resuscitation crash cart Console VIEW
13 04/05/2020 21100932420036 Supply of Medicines VIEW
14 04/05/2020 21100932420037 Supply of Medicines VIEW
15 04/05/2020 21100932420038 Supply of Medicines VIEW
16 04/05/2020 21100932420039 Supply of Medicines VIEW
17 05/05/2020 11000113720040 Supply, Installation & Commissionin of 140 MT WB VIEW
18 05/05/2020 21000120820041 Supply of Rescue Tools VIEW
19 05/05/2020 11000117520042 Supply of Self Contained Compressed Air Breathing Apparatus VIEW
20 06/05/2020 11100120820043 Supply of Switch Board/ Distyribution Board Panel VIEW
21 06/05/2020 21100828220044 Supply of Dental Examination Chairs VIEW
22 06/05/2020 21100828220045 Supplyof Ceilling OT Light VIEW
23 07/05/2020 11000112120046 Supply of Standard Height SDLs VIEW
24 07/05/2020 12100530820047 Supply of Mining Timber VIEW
25 08/05/2020 11100131520048 Supply of 3.3KV Power Cables VIEW
26 08/05/2020 21000932420049 Supply of PPE Kits VIEW
27 08/05/2020 21000932420050 Supply of N-95 Masks VIEW
28 08/05/2020 11100132420051 Supply of Fire Resistant Brattice Cloth VIEW
29 09/05/2020 21000430120052 Supply of Spares for Cat-50/60 T Dumper VIEW
30 08/05/2020 21100818520053 Supply of Rubber Examination/ Surgical Gloves VIEW
31 08/05/2020 21100818520054 Supply of Re-breathing Bag VIEW
32 08/05/2020 21100818520055 Supply of Infrared Mdical Thermometer VIEW
33 08/05/2020 21100818520056 Supply of Re-breathing Bag VIEW
34 08/05/2020 21100818520057 Supply of Surgical Isolation or surgical Masks VIEW
35 11/05/2020 11100131520058 Supply of 3.3KV Power Cables VIEW
36 14/05/2020 11100132420059 Supply of Tricone Rock Roller Drill Bits VIEW
37 15/05/2020 21100820820060 Supply of TV VIEW
38 15/06/2020 12000931620061 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
39 18/05/2020 21100832420062 Supplyof Surgeon Caps and Medical staff shoe cover VIEW
40 18/05/2020 21100832420063 Supply of Filtering Half Mask - Air Pollution Mask VIEW
41 18/05/2020 21100832420064 Supply of Single use rubber/ surgical/ Viny Gloves VIEW
42 19/05/2020 12000430120065 Supply of Spares for BE-1000 Hyd. Excavator VIEW
43 19/05/2020 21100823620066 Supply of Diesel Generator DG Set. VIEW
44 19/05/2020 21100823620067 Supply of Diesel Generator DG Set. VIEW
45 19/05/2020 21100832420068 Supplyof Cartridge different Types. VIEW
46 20/05/2020 21100819220069 Supply of Revolving Chairs VIEW
47 21/05/2020 11000131520070 Supply of 11kv Power Cables VIEW
48 21/05/2020 11100132120071 Supply of Aluminium Conductors Steel inforced (ACSR) VIEW
49 29/05/2020 11100112920072 Supply of Submersible Pump Set VIEW
50 29/05/2020 21100819220073 Supply of Double Foot Steps VIEW
51 30/05/2020 12000921620074 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
52 30/05/2020 12000921620075 Supply of Iron & Steel VIEW
53 22/05/2020 11100120820994 Supply of Shunt Capacitors VIEW