Supply Orders for the Month of OCTOBER-2024

Supply Orders for the Month of OCTOBER-2024

SL. No. SO No. Date GEM ORDER NO. Description VIEW
1 11000832224070 7-Oct-2024 GEMC-511687735126578 Conveyor and
Elevator Textile Belting (Fire Resistant Belting for Surface Application)
2 11100832224071 7-Oct-2024 GEMC-511687730109318 ELASTOCON Conveyor And Elevator Textile Belting (Fire Resistant Belting For Surface Application) VIEW
3 11000818124072 10-Oct-2024 GEMC-511687748643975 Automatic Bomb Calorimeter BCI-2000 VIEW
4 11000831824073 10-Oct-2024 GEMC-511687752813358 Conveyor Roller Pipe 114.3 mm VIEW
5 12000931624074 18-Oct-2024 - Supply of Iron & Steel to Pathakhera Area VIEW
6 12000931624075 29-Oct-2024 - Supply of Iron & Steel to Nagpur Area VIEW
7 11100819224076 29-Oct-2024 GEMC-511687791087941 Revolving Chair VIEW
8 11000532424998 1-Oct-2024 - Rate Contract for Supply of Industrial Gases for the period of 2 Years VIEW
9 11100830824996 24-Oct-2024 GEMC-511687722232807 Rate Contract for Supply of Hardwood Pit Props for 2 years VIEW